Sound SDK
Interacting with editions

Sound Edition

Most of the SDK is defined within the .edition subcategory that defines read functions and operations relevant for Sound Edition contracts.

Basic Information

Requires either signer or provider

 * { symbol: string
    editionMaxMintableLower: number
    editionMaxMintableUpper: number
    baseURI: string
    contractURI: string
    editionCutoffTime: number
    editionMaxMintable: number
    fundingRecipient: string
    isMetadataFrozen: boolean
    metadataModule: string
    mintConcluded: boolean
    mintRandomness: BigNumber
    mintRandomnessEnabled: boolean
    name: string
    nextTokenId: BigNumber
    royaltyBPS: number
    totalBurned: BigNumber
    totalMinted: BigNumber
    totalSupply: BigNumber
const editionInfo = await{
  contractAddress: '0x...',


Requires either signer or provider

Check if the sound edition contract is at least v1.2, which has SAM available

const {
  // Promise<boolean>
} = await{
  contractAddress: '0x...',

Requires SoundAPI

Get API information relative to the specified Sound Edition

 * {
    mintStartDate: Date
    id: string
    contractAddress: string
    editionId: string | null
    type: ReleaseType
    mintStartTime: number
    mintStartTimestamp: number
    webappUri: string
    externalUrl: string | null
    marketPlaceUrl: string | null
    title: string
    behindTheMusic: string
    season: string | null
    genre: {
        id: string
        name: string
    track: {
        id: string
        duration: number
        audio: {
        audio128k: {
            id: string
            url: string
        } | null
        audio192k: {
            id: string
            url: string
        } | null
        audio256k: {
            id: string
            url: string
        } | null
        audioOriginal: {
            id: string
            url: string
    artist: {
        id: string
        webappUri: string
        season: string | null
        soundHandle: string | null
        bannerImage: {
        id: string
        url: string
        } | null
        user: {
        id: string
        publicAddress: string
        description: string | null
        displayName: string | null
        twitterHandle: string | null
        avatar: {
            id: string
            url: string
        } | null
    rewards: {
        id: string
        description: string
        title: string
    coverImage: {
        id: string
        url: string
    goldenEggImage: {
        id: string
        url: string
    eggGame: {
        id: string
        winningSerialNum: number
    } | null
const apiInfo = await{
  contractAddress: '0x...',


Requires SoundAPI

Get API share information, being able to customize embeds and adding referral addresses

 * {
    mintStartDate: Date
    id: string
    contractAddress: string
    editionId: string | null
    type: ReleaseType
    mintStartTime: number
    mintStartTimestamp: number
    webappUri: string
    webEmbed: string
    coverImage: {
        id: string
        url: string
    track: {
        id: string
        duration: number
        audio: {
        audio128k: {
            id: string
            url: string
        } | null
        audio192k: {
            id: string
            url: string
        } | null
        audio256k: {
            id: string
            url: string
        } | null
        audioOriginal: {
            id: string
            url: string
const apiShareInfo = await client.edition
    contractAddress: '0x...',
    // * Optionally customize webapp uri with referral address
    // releaseWebappUriInput: {
    //   referralAddress: '0x...',
    // },
    // releaseEmbedUriInput: {
    // * Optionally customize the html properties of the iframe embed
    //  html: {
    //      height: '...',
    //      style: '...',
    //      width: '...',
    //  },
    // * Add an optional referral address to the uri within the embed
    // referralAddress: '0x...',
    // },

Mint Schedules

Requires either signer or provider

Get mint schedules of specified edition, you can optionally specifiy scheduleIds to optimize on-chain calls and improve performance considerably


interface MintScheduleBase {
  editionAddress: string
  minterAddress: string
  mintId: number
  startTime: number
  endTime: number
  mintPaused: boolean
  price: BigNumber
  maxMintablePerAccount: number
  totalMinted: number
  affiliateFeeBPS: number
interface RangeEditionSchedule extends MintScheduleBase {
  mintType: 'RangeEdition'
  maxMintableLower: number
  maxMintableUpper: number
  cutoffTime: number
  maxMintable: (unixTimestamp?: number) => number
interface MerkleDropSchedule extends MintScheduleBase {
  mintType: 'MerkleDrop'
  maxMintable: number
  merkleRoot: string
const {
  // MintSchedule[]
  // Get only active schedules relative to given timestamp or when this function is called
  // MintSchedule[]
} = await client.edition.mintSchedules({
  editionAddress: '0x...',
  // Specify schedule identifiers to optimize on-chain calls
  // scheduleIds: [...]
  // Customize the timestamp to be used for "activeSchedules" filtering.
  // Optional, by default it uses Math.floor( / 1000). It has to be in UNIX timestamp format
  // timestamp: ...


Schedule identifiers that are used to get schedule the information for the specified edition.

It is highly encouraged to pre-compute and persist these values to be given into the .mintSchedules call in order to optimize performance.

 * {
    minterAddress: string;
    mintIds: number[];
const scheduleIds = await client.edition.scheduleIds({
  editionAddress: '0x...',
  // Specify the starting block to start looking for logs of the schedule identifiers
  // fromBlockOrBlockHash: ...

Lookup the minters addresses associated with the edition, this is automatically called by scheduleIds and it's very unlikely to be needed to be called explicitly.

// string[]
const minters = await client.edition.registeredMinters({
  editionAddress: '0x...',
  // Optionally specify the block to start looking for the registed minters
  // fromBlockOrBlockHash: ...

Lookup the mint indentifiers associated with the minters, this is automatically called by scheduleIds and it's very unlikely to be needed to be called explicitly.

// number[]
const mintIds = await client.edition.minterMintIds({
  editionAddress: '0x...',
  minterAddress: '0x...',
  // Optionally specify the block to start looking for the mint identifiers
  // fromBlockOrBlockHash: ...



Requires either signer or provider

Check how many tokens a wallet should be able to collect for a specific mint schedule

// number
const quantity = await client.edition.eligibleQuantity({
  // mintSchedule: MintSchedule;
  mintSchedule: activeSchedule,
  // Wallet address to be checked
  userAddress: '0x...',
  // Customize the timestamp to be used for time-based checks.
  // Optional, by default it uses Math.floor( / 1000). It has to be in UNIX timestamp format
  // timestamp: ...


Requires either signer or provider

Get the currently amount of minted NFTs of the given user address in specified edition, only considering primary purchases, and always incremental, value doesn't decrease as tokens are sold or burned.

// number
const userNumberMinted = await client.numberMinted({
  editionAddress: '0x...',
  userAddress: '0x...',


Requires either signer or provider

Returns the number of tokens owned by user for a given edition, considering primary purchases, transfers into the specified address, and decreased by sold and burned tokens.

// number
const tokensOwnedTotal = await client.numberOfTokensOwned({
  editionAddress: '0x...',
  userAddress: '0x...',


Requires signer

Mint a edition given the specified schedule and using given signer. If given schedule is a merkle drop, a Merkle Provider will be required

// Transaction
const mintTransaction = await{
  quantity: 1,
  // affiliate: ...
  // gasLimit: ...
  // maxFeePerGas: ...
  // maxPriorityFeePerGas: ...


SAM (Sound Automated Market) is the protocol behind Sound Swap (opens in a new tab)

// This will contain all the relevant SAM helpers
const samEdition = client.edition.sam({
  editionAddress: '0x...',



Requires either signer or provider

Contract address of SAM module associated with edition if exists

Please use this address nullability as a cheap check before calling any write function into SAM, otherwise functions will fail loudly.

// string | null
const samAddress = await samEdition.contract.samAddress


Requires either signer or provider

Information relative to edition on SAM

This value will be null if edition doesn't have SAM associated

 * {
    affiliateMerkleRoot: string
    affiliateFeeBPS: number
    basePrice: BigNumber
    linearPriceSlope: BigNumber
    inflectionPrice: BigNumber
    inflectionPoint: number
    goldenEggFeesAccrued: BigNumber
    balance: BigNumber
    supply: number
    maxSupply: number
    buyFreezeTime: number
    artistFeeBPS: number
    goldenEggFeeBPS: number
const samInfo = await


Requires either signer or provider

Estimated price for buying tokens from SAM

 * {
    total: BigNumber;
    platformFee: BigNumber;
    artistFee: BigNumber;
    goldenEggFee: BigNumber;
    affiliateFee: BigNumber;
const buyPrice = await samEdition.contract.totalBuyPrice({
  // Offset used as buffer for handling concurrent purchases
  // and reducing the possibility of failed transactions
  offset: 0,
  // How many tokens to be estimated for purchase
  quantity: 1,


Requires either signer or provider

Estimated price for selling tokens for SAM

// BigNumber | null
const sellPrice = await samEdition.contract.totalSellPrice({
  // Offset used as buffer for handling concurrent sales
  // and reducing the possibility of failed transactions
  offset: 0,
  // How many tokens to be estimated for sell
  quantity: 1,


Requires signer

Attempt to buy the given amount based on the specified price

// ContractTransaction
const purchaseTransaction = await{
  // How many to be purchased
  quantity: 1,
  // Price to be attempted
  price: '...',
  // Optional attribution identifier
  //   attributonId?: BigNumberish
  // Optional affiliate address
  //   affiliate: string
  // Optional affiliate proof
  //   affiliateProof: BytesLike[]
  // Customize contract's call gas-related attributes
  //   gasLimit: BigNumberish
  //   maxFeePerGas: BigNumberish
  //   maxPriorityFeePerGas: BigNumberish


Requires signer

Attempt to sell the given tokens based on the specified payout.

It is also required for the tokens to be specified ascendingly, this is required to be able to leverage low-level optimizations.

// ContractTransaction
const purchaseTransaction = await{
  // Specify the tokens to be sold
  tokenIds: [1, 2],
  // How much is the minimum amount expected to be received
  minimumPayout: '...',
  // Optional attribution identifier
  //   attributonId: BigNumberish
  // Customize contract's call gas-related attributes
  //   gasLimit: BigNumberish
  //   maxFeePerGas: BigNumberish
  //   maxPriorityFeePerGas: BigNumberish



Requires SoundAPI

When selling NFTs through the SAM a normal expectation for an automated logic when choosing which tokens to be sold is that we sell the older tokens first and we should always exclude the golden egg from being sold. This requires extra indexing and logic so it is required an interaction with Sound API.

This returns a potentially-empty list of token identifiers sorted ascendingly after the specified quantity limit

// number[]
const tokensAvailableToSell = await samEdition.api.availableTokensToSell({
  // How many tokens are expected to be sold
  quantity: 1,
  // Wallet address of token holder
  ownerPublicAddress: '0x...',